In a world where everyone is connected, there isn’t enough connection. You can ride your Facebook feed all day long and still go to bed feeling lonely and isolated. Even in-the-flesh face time with friends and family can leave us wanting, each of us caught up in our own internal…
What is the Three Speed Transmission?
[2/27/13 11:07:29 AM] Nadav Spiegelman: we’re introducing the concept of the 3 speed transmission. What it is, how it came about, how it’s used. Kenneth Folk: OK, let’s talk about how it came up in the first place. After my first spiritual opening in 1982, I read a bunch of…
Enlightenment for the Rest of Us: The Buddhist Geeks Conference
Drawing from Buddhism, neuroscience, and personal experience, Kenneth explains that enlightenment is a natural aspect of human development that is available to everyone.
Developmental Window for Contemplative Fitness brainstorm
Kenneth talks with Nadav Spiegelman about the “developmental window.” Recorded on 26January2013. Developmental Window for Contemplative Fitness brainstorm 26JAN2013
BG 156: Ordinary People Can Get Enlightened
We’re joined this week by Kenneth Folk, a long-time Theravada practitioner and meditation teacher, who describes in exquisite detail his spiritual journey. It began in earnest at the age of 24, when having done several hits of LSD, he had a life-altering experience that put him squarely on the path…