Kenneth guides a student to the happiness that does not depend on conditions. Embracing failure as the ideal condition for progress. (Guided meditation. Mostly audio only, with some video toward the beginning of the talk.)
Journalistic self-enquiry: The who, what, when, where, why, and how of selfing
“This is something you can do at any level of development; beginning, intermediate, and advanced yogis can do this. You can see for a moment that there is nobody home… and you can get this whiff of peace. And if you do it more… you get better at it.” “And…
NYC Talk: Realization and Development
How awakeness in this moment is related to enlightenment over the long term.
NYC Talk: Outcomes
In this episode, Kenneth talks about how the outcome of your spiritual practice is influenced by the values you take into it. Also: pachekka buddhas, Actual Freedom, and the Dharma Overground; the ten oxherding pictures, Rumi, the Five Ranks of Tozan, and the man himself, Gotama Buddha.